
To track the changes to the entities, DoctrineWatcher uses the Doctrine event system, which provides useful information about the changes to entities. The following chapters describe how to configure the automation.

Once this library detects a change to a Doctrine entity, two components are called: The ValueFormatter and the UpdateHandler.

Update Handler

You can use an UpdateHandler to determine which action is carried out with the change.

This package provides three update handlers:

  • The DatabaseHandler, which writes the changes directly to a database table
  • The LogHandler, which passes the changes to a PSR3-compatible logger
  • The NullHandler (surprisingly does nothing)

Of course you can also write your own UpdateHandler.


The ValueFormatter is used to transform the changed elements of the entities into a string. This is useful when boolean values or associated entities (ManyToMany or ManyToOne) must be converted into a readable string. Watcher provides a standard formatter (DefaultFormatter) that covers all basic data types. In addition, a ConcealFormatter is provided - this masks the changes and can be used for password changes or other sensitive topics.

You can add custom formatters on your own.